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For LWH Protected Slaves

To gain our tag and go under our protection:

Our tag of protection will be offered to any slave or submissive looking for a home and can be removed at any time at the discretion of heather or irish.

Requirements for tag:

Commit to taking classes at our school.
Commit to educating yourself about our lifestyle through the books.
Commit to spending time with our clan.

Though we do need to be a bit discerning, we are a friendly, no pressure group. Our goal is NOT to be a revolving door for members. Please spend a bit of time with us first and be sure this is truly a commitment you wish to make.



ALL LWH protected slaves are expected to act in a way becoming a Gorean kajira. This means NO public displays of aggression of any kind. We do not care what is said to you or what sets you off. If a Free is involved you will ignore his/her comments and pm an LWH Master/Mistress. If it involves a slave then take it to pm or contact heather or irish. 



If it is brought to our attention that a slave at any time acts out in local/public...she will be warned. Third strike she will be asked to remove the tag.

If you wear the LWH tag and wish to go under consideration of a non LWH Master/Mistress, it must be approved by the Free of LWH. The Master/Mistress must meet with the free and state his/her intentions.

If approved, you will still be a protected slave by LWH and will still adhere to all the LWH rules. You will still kneel to LWH Masters/Mistresses. Consideration will last a minimum of 30 days.

When the 30 days has passed and you wish to continue, there will be a formal collaring. After the collaring, you will no longer be required to kneel to an LWH Master/Mistress, only your Master/Mistress.


If you think the life of a Gorean slave may be for you. Please pm or email heather_LWH, or irishprncess_LWH.



Once tagged you are required to acknowledge it in your status. i.e. "heather is under the protection of the LWH Clan." This will remain even when under Consideration and will not be removed until you are formally collared.



Commonly asked questions:



"Am I required to have sex with the Masters/Mistresses?" We are NOT a bordello, we are a clan/family. You are NOT required to have sex with any LWH free, nor will you be pursued or made to feel uncomfortable.



"Will I get a Master/Mistress if I join LWH?" Well, no, there is no guarantee you will get a Master or Mistress. However, kajirae (Gorean slave girls) are very desirable and sought after by many, Goreans and non-Goreans alike.



"If I join LWH can I belong to a Master/Mistress who is not Gorean?" Yes, of course. Whom you choose to beg a collar from is YOUR choice. There have been successful relationships between kajirae and non-Goreans. He/She will, however, be required to follow our rules of Consideration of a protected LWH girl.



That being said, know that most non Gorean Masters/Mistresses have pulled their girls from the Gorean Lifestyle. If this is not what you wish, be very sure early on to find out their views on this.



This may sound a bit harsh, but at some point in your life as a kajira, you must ask yourself some very simple questions. 



Why am I doing this? 



Do I truly embrace and understand what it is to be kajira? 



Why would I put myself through all that effort if, at the end of it all, I am willing to run away with the first non-Gorean or BDSM Master/Mistress who winks at me? 



If I am going to make this much effort to be kajira, do I not want to find a Master or Mistress who truly values that in me?



It is understood that there are not an abundance of Gorean Masters/Mistresses. But if you seek hard enough, you will find one who may not himself become a Gorean, but will acknowledge who and what you are, and encourage you to continue embracing this lifestyle.



We'd love to hear from you


Send a message to our LWH Profile






This profile is for those interested in the Gorean lifestyle. Our members

have individual profiles for socializing. We are a Gorean clan seeking

like-minded people. If this is something that interests you, let us know and

we would be happy to accept your friend request and meet with you.




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