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General Conduct for Slaves

First and foremost, Gor is not a democracy. There is a hierarchy and a chain of command. All kajirae who wear the LWH tag are expected to follow their teachings and present themselves with behavior becoming a kajira. The very essence of who we are depends on our respect for this. 


This means often biting our tongues. And just doing what we are told and what is expected of us. When a Free makes a request, the only answer is yes, Master or yes, Mistress. That should be the first thing out of your mouths.

Questions and discussions have never been discouraged. But there is a way to do this. First, pick and choose your battles. Ask yourselves, "Is this a hill I wish to die on?" More often than not...if you breathe and think it through, you will discover it is not.


If it is, it is... but showing that one is visibly annoyed, or being flippant is not the way. Always ask permission to speak freely. If you are given permission, then speak..but choose your words wisely. Unless an open forum is suggested up front, it is not acceptable to just spout out whatever is on one's mind.


LWH has been successful because of the harmony we have maintained. Especially between the sisters. It is what always made us special. We will not permit this to change. So slave up, sisters.


Some may resent answering to another slave. Well, that is just not negotiable. The Free do not want to be bothered with much of what we can handle amongst ourselves. You do not have to love your first girl or second girl, you do not even have to like them. But you must respect their position within the clan. 


This below to ALL slaves who wear the LWH tag, owned and unowned. If you are owned, please review this with your owner. Notify us if there is anything here your owner does not wish you to comply with.



ALWAYS behave in a way becoming a kajira. Serve every Master or Mistress as if your well-being depends on being does.



NEVER speak to a Free disrespectfully, under any circumstances. Bring any issues to heather or irish. If you wear the LWH tag, honor it! 



DO NOT engage in any local conflict. Bring any issue with a Free to your owner or an LWH free...and any issues with a sub/slave either handle in PM or bring to heather or irish.



DO NOT discuss Clan business outside of the Clan. You have been warned! Your tag can be removed.



DO NOT bring slave issues to the attention of a Master/Mistress. Slave matters can be addressed to either heather or irish.



Slaves DO NOT offer hug/kiss to the free. Unless the free directs you to, you will wait until they offer.



NEVER iggy another LWH member. Any issues bring them to heather or irish. If the issue involves a Free, it will be brought to the attention of your owner or an LWH free.



ALL new slaves who wear the tag are required to take classes through our Gorean Studies program., regardless of your current silk color. NO EXCEPTIONS! 


ALL slaves who wear the tag are required to serve in our Tavern or other Gorean Taverns.



If you have earned silks with another clan/school, you will retain your color while taking our classes. 



Slaves do not sit on furniture in the presence of the Free.



Our cute little bottoms belong on the floor. What we do with other kajirae privately is up to us.



The only exception to this rule is if your owner tells you to nestle then you may sit in his or her lap on the chair.

Slaves will be in Gorean attire when at Gorean venues.



Street clothes may be worn in clubs and regular BDSM or vanilla venues.




Kneeling is required in ALL Gorean and BDSM venues. You are only required to kneel once, to the highest ranking free.

When in a Gorean venue you will be required to kneel to Master Potente regardless of whether or not you have kneeled before his arrival. This DOES NOT apply to BDSM venues.


Kneeling applies to all unowned LWH girls.



We'd love to hear from you


Send a message to our LWH Profile






This profile is for those interested in the Gorean lifestyle. Our members

have individual profiles for socializing. We are a Gorean clan seeking

like-minded people. If this is something that interests you, let us know and

we would be happy to accept your friend request and meet with you.




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