Free of LWH
LWH does not have an FAE (First Among Equals), a Dictator or Supreme Ruler.
The Free are equals within LWH and will behave with the Gorean Standards of Honor. No single Free will stand above any other.
The girls will follow our protocols as delineated by heather_LWH (our first girl) and irishprncess_LWH (our second girl)
We expect anyone wearing the LWH tag, to do so with Honor and Pride.
For the Free, the tag will be awarded based on the results of a vote between the Free Men of LWH. Should that vote result in a tie, then the Free Women of LWH will be given the opportunity to add their voice to the decision. If the result still remains deadlocked, then the tag will be denied. We do not do this in pride or arrogance. We simply wish to have a clan that exists in harmony with as little drama as possible. If half the clan, at the outset, is not comfortable tagging the candidate, then certainly the admission of said candidate would be a recipe for discord.
Once awarded, a new member will be considered probationary for a period of 30 days. During this period, concerns or matters creating excessive drama can result in a request for the tag to be removed without question or argument. Additionally, during this period, the collaring of protected LWH kajira will be frowned upon. This does not preclude consideration, as a kajira remains free to make her own choices during that period. During consideration an LWH girl will retain her LWH collar of protection.
Live With Honor, my friends, and Welcome to LWH